Inspiring intelligent giving

Our award-winning platform enables charities to fundraise online all year round. We provide a safe and secure platform for you to accept online donations from your supporters. All UK-registered charities are eligible to sign-up to use services on the Big Give website for free. The only costs associated with using the site is a small payment processing fee from donations that are made on our website, find out more about our fees. This means you don’t have to invest in expensive technology in order to maintain your charity’s digital profile and there’s less paperwork for you as we claim Gift Aid on your behalf.

Increasing your digital presence

Listing your organisation and projects on our site will increase your online visibility allowing individuals to discover your charity. You will also become eligible to take part in our match funding campaigns where you could raise even more funds for your cause.

Fundraising for multiple projects

You can list multiple projects on our site and fundraise for these separately allowing you to keep track of which funds are ring-fenced for which project.

Secure giving

Donations can be made easily and securely, giving people the confidence to donate to your charity online. Our award-winning platform takes them through the process and the Big Give team is on hand to help out too. Donations can be made by all major credit cards and paypal will soon be available.


You can register your charity and start fundraising for your projects by signing up here. You’ll be able to manage your profile and view details of your donations by logging into this account.